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Branch History

The Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association

  1. OBJECTIVES: The promotion and furtherance of the Pipe Band culture as described by the National Council of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association and to promote educational instruction and contests to sustain competitions for member bands.
  2. The branch will be known as The Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association - North West England Branch. The membership may appoint a President at the Annual General Meeting. The management of the Branch shall be vested in the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall comprise of:-
    Vice Chairman
    National Council Representative (ONE)
    Music Board Representatives (TWO)

  3. The president may serve for a period of 3 (THREE) years, other members of the Management Committee shall serve for a period of 2 (TWO) years. Such members may offer themselves for re-election.
    The Management Committee may form any number of sub-committees as and when required for the efficient organisation of the Branch. The number in each sub-committee will be agreed by the management committee. All sub-committee recommendations must be referred to the Management Committee for approval.
  4. The Management Committee may form sections within the Branch subject to the approval of National Council.
  5. The Management Committee in addition may appoint an Honorary President and the number of Honorary Vice Presidents who shall carry Associate Membership of the Branch. Any Honorary Vice Presidents may be co-opted to the Management Committee.
    President - if in attendance at Branch Meetings, the President may be asked to preside.
    Chairman - Shall preside at all meetings within the Branch and by virtue of his / her office, may be in attendance at all sub-committee meetings.
    Vice Chairman — Shall preside for the chairman in his / her absence.
    Secretary - Shall conduct correspondence pertaining to the Branch, carry out all correspondence between Branch and RSPBA Headquarters. He / She shall be generally responsible, under the direction of the Management Committee for all Branch business, and prepare an Annual Report which shall include the Treasurer’s balance sheet. He / She will remit to the RSPBA Chief Executive Officer, a copy of the report and balance sheet at least two weeks before the Branch Annual General Meeting.
    Treasurer - Shall deposit all funds of the Branch within a bank or Building Society by the Branch in the name of THE ROYAL SCOTTISH PIPE BAND ASSOCIATION - NORTH WEST ENGLAND BRANCH. He / She shall keep correct accounts and books showing all financial transactions of the Branch. The books and accounts of the Branch shall be closed not later than the 30 September each year and a financial statement prepared and offered for audit. With-drawals from the Branch Account will be made on the signed authority of the Treasurer and that of with the Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary.
  7. The Branch may combine the offices of Secretary and Treasurer should this be agreed at the Annual General Meeting.
  8. At the Annual General Meeting and auditor shall be appointed. He / She shall audit the books and accounts and report the findings at the Annual General Meeting.
  9. Annual Fees may be levied, the amount to be determined annually at the Annual General Meeting.
  10. Associate membership may be available within the Branch. All applicants must be a member of the RSPBA. Fees shall be determined annually at the Annual General Meeting. Associate membership shall not entitle the holder any voting power at the Branch or Annual General Meetings but permit the holder to take part in the business at the discretion of the Chairman of the meeting. Associate members and Honorary Associate members may be appointed to a sub committee if nominated at the Annual General Meeting.
  11. The Branch shall have the minimum of FOUR meetings per year which may include the Annual General Meeting.
  12. The Branch National Council Representative shall read the full National Council minutes at Branch meetings and may make necessary reports. It shall be the responsibility of the National Council Representative to ensure that the Branch uphold the RSPBA Constitution and Rules and all decisions of the National Council / Executive Committee. Any irregularities should be reported the RSPBA Chief Executive Officer.
  13. Should a vacancy occur within the Management Committee the said vacancy shall be filled at a Branch meeting until the Branch Annual General Meeting.
  14. The Branch Annual General Meeting shall be held on the first Sunday in December of each year. At this meeting, in addition to the Branch business, the following will also be discussed.
    a) Nomination of Office Bearers
    b) National Council Representative
    c) Music Board Representative
    d) Notices of Motions and alterations to the RSPBA Constitution and Rules
    e) Alteration to Branch Constitution and Rules for consideration by the RSPBA Standing Orders Committee and approved by the National Council.
    All items in sub paras (d) and (e) must be in writing and submitted to the Branch Secretary at least FOUR weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. This rule may be amended at the discretion of the Branch Chairman. The Branch Secretary shall notify the RSPBA Chief Executive Officer the venue and time of the Branch Annual General Meeting at least FOUR weeks prior to the meeting. The RSPBA Chairman, a member of the Association Executive Committee or Chief Executive Officer will be in attendance and conduct the election of Branch Officials, during which he / she shall have no vote. In the event of non-attendance of the Executive member or Chief Executive Officer the election of Officials will be carried out by the Branch President. The President of the Branch shall have the casting vote.
  15. Should the quorum not be attained within THIRTY minutes after the nominated time of any meeting, the meeting shall be declared void and recorded. The quorum must be maintained to the conclusion of the meeting. The bands in membership of the Branch shall be made aware of this fact by notice included in the notice of the next meeting. One half of the Management Committee shall form a quorum for the Branch meeting. Three Band representatives entitled to vote shall form a quorum at Branch Meetings.
  16. Each Band shall have the right of representation at Branch Meetings. Representatives need not be playing members but must be registered Committee members of the band.
  17. Each Band shall be entitled to one vote only. Voting by proxy is not permitted.
  18. All registered Bands must be represented by different personnel as no dual voting is allowed. This rule also applies to Organisations with more than one registered Band.
  19. The mover of a motion and the seconder must be from different Bands. This also applies to an amendment.
  20. Band Representatives and members of the Management Committee may move or second a motion or amendment.
  21. Standing Orders apply as contained within the Constitution and Rules of the RSPBA (see below) but substitute Management Committee for the National Council and Branch for Association.
  22. Standing Orders shall be adopted prior to the commencement of the Branch Annual General Meeting. Should they fail to be adopted the Annual General Meeting will be suspended until such time as they are adopted. The Branch Secretary shall report the facts to the RSPBA Headquarters. In the event of the suspension not being lifted, the business of the Branch shall stand suspended until an Annual General Meeting can be convened.
  23. Should a registered band member request a Release / Transfer while still in the possession of uniform or other materials being the property of the band, the Release / Transfer will be withheld until all items being the property of the band have been returned in accordance with RSPBA rules.
  24. The Management Committee may summon a Special General Meeting at any time they consider necessary or in compliance with a request stating the object of the meeting, signed by at least THREE bands.

(Extract from RSPBA ‘Constitution & Rules’)
1.35 The mover of the motion shall have the right to speak for 5 minutes in support thereof.
1.36 The same right will be given to the mover of an amendment.
1.37 In no case will the mover of either a motion or an amendment be allowed to speak during the discussion except to reply to a point of order or on the request of the Chairman of the meeting to elucidate any point already referred to in the original motion or amendment.
1.38 The seconder of a motion or amendment shall not be allowed to take any further part in the discussion.
1.39 At the close of the debate the mover of the amendment will be allowed 5 minutes to reply, followed by the mover of the motion, who will also be allowed 5 minutes to reply, followed by the mover of the motion who will also be allowed 5 minutes to reply.
1.40 Te reply in each case must be confined strictly to the subject matter of the debate and on no account will any new material be introduced.
1.41 Should the mover of a motion take part in the debate subsequent to his/her moving of the motion, his/her action shall automatically close the debate, and the question shall then be put to the Meeting.
1.42 All other speakers taking part in the debate shall be allowed 5 minutes each and shall only be allowed to speak a second time during the debate on the authority of the Chairman of the meeting.
1.43 Any Office-Bearer, Chief Executive or member of the National Council can speak only to defend the Status Quo or in support of a National Councils view on any motion submitted to the Annual General Meetine.
1.44 Any motion or amendment which has not been seconded shall not be discussed or put to the Meeting.
1.45 Any member on rising to speak shall state the name of the Band he/she represents and in the case of a notice of motion. shall state the Branch he/she represents.
1.46 In addition, any person moving a motion or amendment shall read, or clearly state, the motion or amendment. Thus read, or stated, it shall not be varied.
1.47 To suspend any one or more of the Standing Orders the proposer must clearly state the number, or numbers of the Standing Orders he/she wishes to have suspended.
1.48 If the suspension is not seconded it shall not be put. When, or if, the suspension is seconded, the motion shall be put without further discussion.
1.49 To suspend any one or more of the Standing Orders a majority vote of not less than two-thirds of the Bands present will be necessary.
1.50 The Chairman of the Meeting shall have the powers to close or adjourn the meeting after the Standing Orders have been read. Likewise he/she shall the power to interpret any question of doubt from no matter what source.
1.51 Every member present, on rising to speak shall address the Chairman of the meeting.
1.52 If the Chairman of the meeting should rise at any point durine the course of a debate, the member then addressing the Meeting shall immediately resume his/her seat and shall not take further part in the debate except on the instructions of the Chairman of the Meeting.
1.53 All members shall acquaint themselves with the Standing Orders and undertake to assist the Chairman of the meeting in ensuring that they are rigidly enforced.
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